It takes just minutes to register!
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You can even log in using LinkedIn, which will automatically populate much of the information in your Ram Nation profile. Once registered, individuals have access to a discussion board, the ability to join interest groups, and connect directly with students and fellow alumni.
Please note that the email address you use for registration will become the preferred email address that the West Chester University Alumni Association uses to contact you.
Ram Nation will recommend professional networking connections based on your profile information. In the networking area, you can also browse our community of professionals by company, industry, major, a location of interest and more. You decide how you would like to be involved in Ram Nation, such as sharing industry trends, discussing work/life balance, helping with resume or interview prep, and more! You can also choose who is able to view your profile, whether you wish to be available for networking with alumni and/or students and how many inbound messages or meeting requests you would like to receive each month. Ram Nation is customized to what works best for you and the settings can be adjusted at any time.