GOLD X Alumni Chapter
The GOLD X Alumni Chapter (Graduates of the Last Decade 10) was founded in 2021 under the auspices of the West Chester University Alumni Association.
Our goal is connect young alumni of the last decade with mentorship, networking and social opportunities and to foster the bridge from students to alumni. The purpose of the Chapter shall be to promote the interests of West Chester University in all areas of academic, cultural, and social needs; to strengthen the Association through a strong network of graduates; and to increase alumni awareness of the University's needs. In accordance with the University’s Affirmative Action Policy, the West Chester University Alumni Association does not discriminate “on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religious creed, disability, or veterans’ status. Nor does the Association allow any forms of sexual harassment.”
Any alumni from West Chester University in the past decade is invited to join the GOLD X young alumni network.
Current Executive Board Officers:
Jamie Thomas-McDowell '19, Chair
Joshua Dandridge '17, Vice Chair
Kristen Stenson '17, Secretary
Founding Members:
Maria Bolner '17
Devynn Gray '19 M'20
Rodney Kaplan Jr. '19
Tyler Lonergan '19
Ryan Long '18
James Segilia '17
If you are interested in joining this Chapter, complete our chapter interest form HERE.

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GOLD X Network!